Fall Recreation on the Fjord and Surrounding Area

Ron Adams | Verle's LLC

The long, warm and sunny days of summer on or near Hood Canal have nearly come to a close once again. The camping, biking, hiking and water sports we enjoyed will soon be recent yet unforgettable memories. Fall is about to surround us with a beautiful mosaic of rich yellows, greens, and reds as the leaves of hardwood trees give way to their wonderful ballet of fall colors.

However, the changing of the seasons does not bring an end to outdoor activities around Hood Canal. To many it is the beginning of a new and exciting chapter of outdoor opportunity and adventure.

Salmon and Steelhead can be found in most of the pristine rivers near Hood Canal where a true trophy and adventure of a life time await those who are willing to test their skills and moxy to harvest some of this plentiful bounty. Steelhead are different than their cousins the salmon in the fact they can return to their home rivers several times and spawn many times before they reach the end of their life cycles whereas pacific salmon only spawn once. Steelhead are a species of rainbow trout that is spawned in a river and then goes out to saltwater to mature. Their life in the nutrient rich waters of the Pacific Ocean allow them to grow rapidly and reach over 30 lbs in weight. Many lakes in the surrounding area are open year round for fishing and can provide healthy delicious protein.

Mushroom gathering it also very popular and several delicious varieties await those who know where to find them.

If any of this entices you, you are not alone. Thousands of outdoor enthusiasts will make the trek to this area to do everything I've mentioned and more.

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Established in 1948 Verles is celebrating 70 years of having a finger on the pulse of the Hood Canal and most things outdoors. With a skilled staff and a great selection of gear, Verles is there to help you get away and be successful in your outdoor adventure any time of the year. Verles is located at 741 West Golden Pheasant Road in Shelton.


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