Maple Valley Steam Donkey Loop In Dosewallips State Park
Well-known for its campground and excellent fishing and shell fishing opportunities, the park also contains nearly five miles of hiking trails. An excellent 3.6 mile loop can be made by following the Maple Valley and Steam Donkey Tails.
Duckabush River In Olympic National Forest
Duckabush River Trail travels near and along the river for more than 20 miles terminating at Marmot Lake in the heart of Olympic National Park. That’s a long journey primarily reserved for backpackers. Day hikers however should be content heading up this trail for just a few miles.
Murhut Falls In Olympic National Forest
Murhut Falls are tucked away in a narrow, green valley. They stayed hidden until a new, simple trail was made. This waterfall has two levels and drops 130 feet. Now, it's a popular spot for hikers on the Olympic Peninsula. The trail begins on an old logging road, where the falls were found due to past logging.